Health Benefits of a Foot Massage
If ones legs are suffering after just a hard workday, a foot rub might bring somewhat comfort. That isn’t only a good sensation, though. It also provides health advantages, according to research.
A simple foot massage might help you relax and feel better. That’s a good thing, because reducing stress and increasing energy increases the likelihood of making healthy choices such as exercising and eating well.
How does massage in mybodyshop accomplish all of this, though? It stimulates your nerve system, causing feel-good brain chemicals like endorphins to surge. People who had foot massage after having their appendix removed experienced less discomfort and used fewer medicines, according to one research.
However, this isn’t all. Foot massage improves circulation, which aids healing and maintains the condition of your muscles and tissues. This is especially true if you have diabetes or other health issues that contribute to poor circulation or nerve damage.
You may also use rubbing your feet to check for additional issues such as ulcers, corns, and ingrown toenails. If you do have circulation problems, examining your toes for blisters is a wise decision.
Treatment is not really a cheap treatment. Fortunately, you may enjoy the same advantages at home for free by doing it yourself or enlisting the help of a spouse. It’s simple to access the areas that are most prone to get inflamed.
Most patients with diseases including arthritis, fibromyalgia, and long-term pain benefit from moderate pressure massage. You might also want to consider receiving your first massage from a licensed massage therapist. Look for someone who has Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals or American Massage Therapy Association accreditation. Here’s how to pamper your most sensitive areas:
- Place one foot on top of the opposing thigh while sitting in a chair or on a bed. Use a dab of lotion or oil (such as coconut or argan) to assist your fingertips glide easily across your skin if desired.
- With one hand, grasp the front of your ankle. Then, with your other hand’s thumb and fingers, grab the back of your ankle and pull down toward your heel. This helps to relax your Achilles tendon, which can get stiff as a result of exercise, extended periods of standing, and wearing high heels.
- Make little circles with your thumb from the bottom of your heel to the base of each of your toes. By pushing your knuckles into the bottom of your foot, you may also knead it. Alternatively, grab your foot in both hands and push your thumbs into the bottom of it, working your way up from the heel to just beneath your toes.
- Finish by softly turning each toe. Switch your feet when you’re finished.