Common Ironing Problems & How to Fix Them
Clothes are quite delicate to handle. You have to wash, dry, and store clothes properly to ensure they do not get creases or wrinkles. Yet, this is quite evitable, primarily if it is mishandled during laundry.
You have two options: iron your clothes at home or request added services at the laundry in Chinatown to iron and fold your clothes. However, there may be problems when ironing at home.
Ironing is one of the devices we often use during laundry, and it is expected that problems may arise when we constantly use them. It is better to be aware of the common ironing problems and know how to tackle and fix them. This helps you save money at home and keeps your clothes in good condition for a long time.
Dirty Soleplate
It is common for soleplates to have this problem. This happens when you use the appliance for a longer time. Dirt and minerals may accumulate around the holes resulting in clogs. This problem affects the heating and overall performance of your iron.
The only way to prevent this is to regularly do routine maintenance and clean the soleplate.
Mineral Buildup on Iron
The water used in steam irons might shorten the lifespan of your device. Hard waters could have minerals that deposit in the vents and lines of the steam iron, which prevents the steam from releasing resulting in water drips.
This iron problem is preventable. Use filtered or purified water and empty the water tank after use. If you notice calcium, lime, or any mineral buildup on your iron, you use a commercial cleaner system to remove the mineral buildup.
Iron Sticks to Cloth
Iron sticking on your favorite clothing is the most annoying yet thrilling situation which often happens. The reason for this could be the soleplate, and cleaning it should be the priority to avoid such incidents. However, if you have cleaned the soleplate and it still sticks on the fabric, it might be broken and needs a replacement.
Iron Plate Not Working
It comes to a point when your iron does not work or release heat, but these two situations are quite different. When the iron is not working, you should check the power cord. There might be damage to its electrical cord, failing to provide power to the device. But if there’s none, try plugging the iron into another power outlet. Who knows? It might be the power source that has a problem.
Meanwhile, if the iron does not release any heat, it is best to check the iron settings first before troubleshooting steps. Some irons have an auto-off feature that may have turned off the device when wrongly set. But if the iron settings are not the case, check any limescale or calcium deposits on the soleplate. This might cause the iron not to work.
These iron problems are quite common, making them easier to identify and solve. If your iron at home does not work, you can contact a professional laundry service provider that offers iron and fold services. There’s no need to go your way to their shop, and you can have it through laundry pickup and delivery.