3 Fun Weekend Activities for All the Family
Summer is here and with it comes brighter, warmer days and opportunities to relax in the sunshine. Around this time, children will be enjoying a long-awaited break from school and the free time to enjoy themselves. However, as any parent knows, keeping the kids entertained during the summer holidays can be a monumental task. Many families will have parents that are in full-time work, so planning for the children can be difficult during this period. However, most families will have free time at the weekend when they can dedicate some quality time for both them and their children. With a little bit of inspiration, weekends can be transformed into a time of fun, laughter and making memories that will last for years to come. In this article, there are descriptions of three specific family weekend activities that will help to keep the children entertained over the summer season.
Try arts and crafts
Children are curious by nature and love to learn new skills and hobbies. One perfect way to inspire them and fuel their artistic sides is to try a range of fun arts and crafting activities. Both children and adults can enjoy activities such as watercolor painting, creating handmade items and even learning to play musical instruments. The skills learned in these meaningful pursuits can help to develop coordination, abstract thinking and design, among others. When you have a free weekend, consider planning a specific crafting activity, such as creating a handmade fabric toy or making an item by sewing or knitting. Crafting activities can be incredibly enjoyable and will give everyone the satisfaction in creating something that they have designed themselves. To get the materials required for your next family crafting project, visit dedicated crafting sites such as reallymaria.com. At such sites, you will be able to find the materials and equipment to undertake a wide range of fun crafting projects. Remember that smaller children may need constant supervision when using scissors or sewing items. Base the level of skill required on the age of your children to ensure that the activities are achievable and safe.
Family movie night
If the summer weather is worse than expected at the weekend, or you simply want to spend an evening indoors as a family, consider holding a family movie night. Streaming services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime provide a wide range of films and have dedicated sections for children’s or family-friendly films. In addition, joining a streaming service will also mean that you benefit from bespoke film suggestions based on your viewing habits. Many streaming platforms now use advanced algorithms to suggest suitable films, which makes planning a family movie night easy to undertake.
Weekend bike rides
Weekends with the family can also be an ideal time to undertake some gentle exercise outdoors. On a warm weekend, consider taking the family on a bike ride to a local beauty spot or to buy an ice cream after getting some fresh air as a family. Remember to consider the fitness levels of all family members so that you do not tire out either the younger children or older adults! In addition, consider using a route planner that is specifically aimed at planning bike rides. This will help you to choose a route that stays away from busy roads and ideally features dedicated cycle paths.