
Why You Should Plan a Destination Wedding in FL

Crawford Miller

Destination weddings are growing in popularity each year. Who wouldn’t want to get married in a scenic location like Hawaii or Italy?

But there’s one destination that takes the cake for American couples looking to tie the knot: Florida.

Not only is it the most visited state in the country, but it’s the most popular destination for weddings, since it’s each to get to, warm and tropical, and offers so much. Keep reading below to learn why you should consider Florida for your upcoming wedding.

Florida Has a Long Wedding Season

In most northern states,  the wedding season is very short. It lasts from May to September before it gets too cold, wet, and ugly outside.

But in Florida, it’s the reverse. Instead of a 4-month wedding season, it’s an 8-month wedding season. From October to May, the weather is almost always perfect. It’s warm and sunny, and the chance of rain during those months is slim.

So while wedding season might slow to a halt in winter where you’re from, it’s booming in Florida during that time. In fact, December through March is the best time to get married in Florida.

Get Married on or Near the Beach

One of the most popular reasons for planning a destination wedding in Florida is to get married on the beach. Or, if you don’t get married directly on the sand, you at least have a view of the ocean while you are reciting your vows. 

Almost all the popular wedding venues in Florida, from the northern coast of Jacksonville down to the tip of Key West, have views of the ocean. So if you want a wedding venue that is absolutely stunning, with ocean views and access to private beaches, Florida has more options than any other state.

More Guests are Likely to Come

There are countless options when it comes to planning a destination wedding. Should you do it in Hawaii? What about Mexico? Or maybe Italy or Greece?

All of these locations are magnificent. But the further away your wedding is, the fewer guests you’ll likely have. As much as most people would love to travel to that location, it’s expensive, it requires a lot of time off work, and many people can’t make it happen.

However, when it comes to Florida, it’s different. Florida is quick and cheap to get to from most of the US. Plus, since it has great weather in the wintertime, people from all over the US are looking for any excuse to travel to Florida for some warm air and sunshine.

And because it’s the most popular state to visit in the US, many people already come here every year. So as far as destination wedding locations, it’s the easiest location to host your wedding if you want as many guests as possible to attend. 

Honeymoon in the Same Place

So many couples plan their honeymoon in Florida, since there are so many seaside resorts and hotels to stay at, and so much to do here on your honeymoon. If you’re getting married in Florida, you can very easily plan your honeymoon here as well, immediately following your wedding reception.

That way, you don’t have to purchase any additional flights, which can potentially save you thousands of dollars. 

Plan Your Florida Wedding 

There are so many more reasons to plan a destination wedding in Florida. This just scratches the surface. But obviously, you can see why so many couples dream of hosting their marriage ceremony here.

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