What to Look for In a Massage Therapist
When you think about it, getting a massage is quite intimate. It might feel a little intimidating to go to a massage therapist for the first time and you don’t want to waste your time and money by feeling too tense to enjoy the experience. Here are some things you can look for in a massage therapist to make sure you recognise the best ones quickly and not live to regret your choice.
Unless driving is something that helps you to relax then you don’t want to have to drive too far for the experience. Luckily, there are some great massage therapists based all over the country so you shouldn’t have to go too far. Google therapists by location to start with, for example, by looking up massage Abingdon UK if you live in the Oxfordshire area.
Another thing that is quick and easy to check online is the experience and qualifications of a massage therapist. Most company websites like to promote these things so reading the ‘about us’ section on a therapist’s website should give you a good idea of their level of skill.
Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family for a massage therapist recommendation. Your nearest and dearest will be much more accurate than some of the reviews you will read online, and they will be able to tell you the good and bad points of the therapists they have used in the past.
Customer Service
Good customer service is vital to any business. After all, you don’t want to give your hard-earned money to a therapist who doesn’t seem to care about your business. Be very wary if you e-mail them and don’t get a response within a couple of days or they never seem to pick up the phone. You are putting yourself into their hands for some rest and relaxation and there is no point in pursuing them if they are making you feel stressed before you even get to your appointment.
The chemistry between you and your therapist is important. If you don’t feel comfortable, you are unlikely to relax and then you are just throwing money away on a massage that won’t make you feel better. If your therapist is rude, evasive, or flustered, this will affect your mood too. You may even feel that you can’t ask them to change the way they are massaging you if you want them to get deeper or relax the pressure. This could make you feel extremely uncomfortable, and you are unlikely to want to repeat the experience.
You get what you pay for so you shouldn’t get too hung up on the price of your massage. If they are cheap, it might be that they lack credentials or experience. If they are a little more expensive it could be because they are the best in the area. It is worth researching some therapists rather than basing your decision on cost alone.
Use this guide if you want to identify the best massage therapist for you and have a wonderful experience.