What happens when all the 7 chakras are open?
If you have joined any natural energy healing classes like yoga or reiki, then you have already been familiar with the term “chakra”. Even if you have watched online yoga videos then also you would be knowing about the 7 chakras and how they regulate the flow of energy in our bodies. If you have learned about the chakras then you also must know the importance of keeping your chakras open and unblocked. But just being familiar with the term or knowing that the chakras must be kept open does not mean that you will have detailed information about the chakras and why you should take all the efforts of keeping them open. For starters, chakras have a very important role in balancing both your physical and emotional well-being.
Introduction to 7 chakras
In this article, let us know in detail what the chakras are and also what is the reason why the healers like the reiki masters or the yoga teachers refer to them as the energy centers of the mind and body. Knowing the chakra importance will help you know the reason to open them and how to open chakras help you to stay and think positive
Chakra is a Sanskrit word. It means disc or wheel. The discs and wheels can be referred to as energy sources in the human body. Each chakra is associated with a bundle of nerves and sometimes to major organs of the body like the brain. For optimal functioning of the nerves as well as the major organs of the body, the 7 chakras need not only to stay open but also you need to balance them so that your actions, habits, and behaviors dependent on these chakras could have their desired effect coursing through the human body. If your chakras are unbalanced and not opened properly then you might feel anxious and stressed. Besides, you can also develop a negative outlook towards life if your chakras are not functioning properly.
Definition of the 7 chakras and what happens if they are open and balanced
- Root Chakra: The chakra also known by the name “Muladhara” is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra, if open and balanced, helps you in feeling grounded and also enhances the feeling of security and stability.
- Sacral Chakra: The chakra also known by the name of “Svadhisthana” is located just below the belly button. If opened and balanced, this chakra helps in channeling the sexual and creative energy. The opening of this chakra, also helps you to relate to the emotions of others.
- Solar Plexus Chakra: The chakra is also known by the name of “Manipura” is located in the stomach area. The opening and balancing of this chakra help us to stay positive in whatever situation that we are going through. It helps to take control of our emotions.
- Heart Chakra: The chakra, also known by the name of “Anahata” lies in the heart region. This chakra is opened and balanced to fill our hearts with love and compassion for others.
- Throat Chakra: The chakra, also known by the name of “Vishuddha” is located inside the throat. This chakra, if opened and balanced, can enhance our ability to communicate effectively with others.
- Third Eye Chakra: The chakra, also known by the name of “Ajna” is located where the third eye is located. The third eye is always associated with intuition. When this chakra is opened and balanced it can strengthen your gut feeling and also enhance your imagination.
- Crown Chakra: The chakra is also known by the name of “Sahasrara”. This chakra is located in your brain area. If you have accomplished the feat of opening and balancing the chakra then you will be able to understand the reason for your existence and your relationship with the universe. In short, this chakra helps you to understand your purpose in the universe.
How do you take an effort to unblock each chakra
Now that you have taken the effort to know your 7 chakras, you will be interested to know how to unblock each chakra. To open the 7 chakras you need to align your body with the help of yoga postures, breathing practices alternatively known as “pranayama” helps you to channel the flow of energy thoroughly throughout the body. Meditation is also needed to bring in the stability of mind. When all the chakras of the body are opened you become a person who is positive and compassionate and also who knows his purpose in life and feels one with the positive spirit of the universe.