
What Are Treatment Options and Preventive Measures for Cavities?

Francesco Gutkowski

Dental cavities are an easily preventable, yet common oral health issue that can lead to noticeable repercussions if not checked early. Whether you understand the treatment options and how to prevent cavities as explained in this guide provided by a Scottsdale cosmetic dentist, you can take action before that and ensure that your teeth are protected from decay while also maintaining a healthy smile.

Treatment options:

Dental Fillings: The most common way to treat cavities is by removing the decaying tooth structure and filling it with composite resin, amalgam, or porcelain. It is used in cases of advanced decay or structural damage and can be placed to reinforce and safeguard the affected tooth dental crown.

Root canal Therapy: Before cavities advance into the inner pulp chamber of your tooth resulting in infection and inflammation, root canal treatment is needed to eliminate contaminated tissue and protect your mouth from losing a tooth.

Tooth extraction: It may be advised in severe cases where a tooth might have already extensively decayed and is beyond saving. This is to prevent further damage by keeping overall oral hygiene in consideration.

Preventive Measures:

Proper oral hygiene: Brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, floss daily, and rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash to get rid of plaque and bacteria.

Eat a Healthy Diet: Limiting sugary and acidic foods and beverages while eating many fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and dairy products can help maintain your oral health.

See Your Dentist Frequently: Regular dental checkups and cleanings every 6 months will help you detect cavities or other problems that are developing early so they can be treated quickly.

Fluoride Products: Consider using toothpaste, mouthwash rinse and professional fluoride treatments with approved levels to harden tooth enamel and decrease the chances of experiencing decay.

Sealants: Possibly the simplest way of ensuring your child’s teeth are not getting infected, consider dental sealants. A sealant is a thin protective coating that is painted over the chewing surface of back molars or premolars acting as a barrier that prevents bacteria and food items from getting into the deep grooves and fissures.

So, make sure to take proper care of your oral health and hygiene, eat a balanced nutrition diet, and visit the dental clinic at least 2 times a year for follow-up checkups with the best dentist near you if any cavity signs develop. Taking good care of your teeth can help to reduce the chance of developing cavities and allow you to have a healthy smile for many years.