To Lose a Foster Child
There is a common misconception that all foster children are in some sort of therapy or reform school. They must work their way through these institutions to learn how to be an independent adult. The fact is that foster adoption does NOT require any schooling, therapy, programs, or classes. They do not even go to school with other children. Their parental rights are terminated at the time of the agreement between the family and the adopting parents. Therefore, they are NOT “reached out” to in any way.
So, when my grandkids were about 13 years old, I made the decision to adopt them from the state of Texas. I found that the private adoption agencies in Texas would NOT allow me to adopt my foster child out from their home. So, I made the decision that I would NOT allow them to join me in the life I had created. That was over 15 years ago. I still love my grandkids and I do plan on adopting them in the future.
If you are considering private adoption and you want to know what your parental rights are, and if you can keep them, then you should contact your county’s social services department. You may also want to find out if your foster child has ever been screened for drug use or other problems. These are run separately from parental rights. The reason they are run separately is to protect the child. The social services department will be able to give you this information.
Private adoption agencies do NOT terminate your parental rights during the time you are adopting. If something happens while you are on the waiting period for adoption, you do not lose parental rights. Your biological parents’ rights remain throughout this whole process. If something happens after you have been adopted, then it is up to your biological parents to decide if they want to continue the parental rights of their child or not.
If you are going through a divorce and do not have custody of your own biological children, then many foster families will take you in. Many foster families do require someone to care for their foster child while they are going through a divorce. You will find that most foster families require some type of payment for this service. The amount they will pay you will vary depending on the agency you work with and the state that your foster child is residing in.
If you would like to learn more about your foster child’s biological parents and their whereabouts, and if you want to find out more information on your foster child’s home life, you can ask your social worker. They can tell you all the information that you need to know. The good thing is that most social workers are always willing to help you. You just need to ask!