Skin Beauty Advanced Microcell Facial Station FromDansys
As we grow day by day our skin also starts to break down slowly, and it will cause many damages to your skin and it affects your appearance. The skin issues are like sagging skin, scars, wrinkles, and loss of contour of your skin. Skin Beauty performs multiple functions to take care of your skin. Microcell technology is a non-invasive (not harmful for your skin) which helps your skin to diminish all your multiple skin problems like toning your skin to look young, hydrating your skin so that your face will be smoother, radiant, and has an even tone look.
Microcell Facial is nothing but a cell that is situated or occurred inside your body. It helps to treat the inner layer of your skin. To remove your skin problems like acne, scars. The Skin Beauty advanced microcell facial station device is an FDA-approved technology IN UAE. It
usually works to treat all compatible types of skins.
Microcell Facial Station is recommended for those who have;
- Intractable acne
- Scars
- Large Poles
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Surgical scars
- Pigmentation
The Skin Beauty Advanced Microcell Facial Station device has three functions they are; an ultrasonic massager which is used to burn fat in your skin in order to strengthen cytoplasm and to make the blood circulate in the skin, skin scrubber is nothing but it improves the outer layer of the skin by removing the dirt particles from the skin, and finally, ion twister is generally used to help your skin to moisture and nutrient by eliminating waste matter in the skin pores.
What is an Ultrasonic Massager?
The ultrasonic massager is used to burn fat in your skin in order to strengthen the cytoplasm and to make the blood circulate in the skin. It happens because of sound waves. The ultrasound massager promotes healing with the help of deep heating the soft tissues of your skin. This massager’s main intention is to increase the blood flow or circulation in the skin.
How does Ultrasonic Massager help your skin?
By using an ultrasonic massager, the blood circulation or flow in swollen parts of your body offer healing. The device also helps in relieving chronic pain or inflammation. The ultrasonic massager is basically a vibration therapy. It is an effective way to provide medication to the skin. It is suitable for those who hate or who are not comfortable with injection.
How does an ultrasonic massager work in your skin?
In an ultrasonic massager, the electric energy is being converted into strong vibration waves. Before starting the ultrasonic treatment, the gel is applied. The generated ultrasound vibration waves energy pierces into the soft tissues.
This therapeutic effect is faster. It heals and increases the blood circulation, scar, and oxygen flow is improved.
A few functions of Ultrasonic Massager
- Helps to Skin Revitalization
The ultrasonic massager revitalization your skin and metabolism the cells. It helps your skin from losing moisture and protects your skin.
- Make Skin Whitening
The ultrasonic massager helps the light color cells to the blood vessel. It also removes the melanin from the epidermis. So, by this, your skin will look bright and beautiful.
- Thermotherapy
The ultrasonic massager helps to activate the metabolism in your skin cells. By this, your skin will feel smoother and younger too.
- Cleansing
The ultrasonic massager has about a 1MHz operation frequency. These high-frequency ultrasonic waves make your skin much softer and clean your skin pores (acne, scars) by making sebum inside your skin.
What is Skin Scrubber?
The skin scrubber is used to improves the outer layer of the skin by removing the dirt particles from the skin. The skin scrubber uses ultrasound technology in order to remove the dead skin cells from your body. It also removes the oil, dirt from the pores in order to get a healthy as well as beautiful look.
Few Benefits of Skin Scrubber is to;
- Reduce wrinkles from the face
- Remove acne
- Decrease rosacea
- It also treats inflammation
- Moisture your skin
- Tissue Healing
- Increases the extensibility of collagen tissues
- Improves your skin tone
- Increases cell rejuvenation
- Diminishes pigment
How does skin scrubber work?
The ultrasound technology is being provided in order to remove the dead skin cells. This treatment is non-invasive, and it’s easy to achieve a healthy as well as beautiful complexion without any side effects like swelling, irritation. These treatments are usually associated with microdermabrasion treatments.
Features of Skin Scrubber:
- Accelerates the absorption of skincare
- Deeply cleans the pores
- Extract’s imperfections
- Exfoliates the cellular debris
What is Ion Twister?
The ion twister is used to moisturize and nourish your skin by eliminating waste matter in skin pores.
Functions of Ion Twister
- Positive pole effect
The ion twister positive electric current to electrode makes your skin feels good and fresh by eliminating the dirt from pores.
- Negative pole effect
When Vitamin C is applied to your face. There will be repulsive power between the Vitamin C and negative pole. Then, vitamin c can easily permeate into your skin.
Skin Beauty has a lot of medical instruments like a skin scrubber, ultrasonic massager, ion twister. The weight of our device is not heavy it’s just 2.35 kg. The functions and use of ultrasonic massager which is used to burn fat in your skin in order to strengthen cytoplasm with the 220V high level rated voltage frequency to make the blood circulate in the skin, skin scrubber is somewhat different from an ultrasonic massager.
It improves the outer layer of the skin by removing the dirt particles from the skin, and finally, an ion twister is generally used to help your skin to moisture and nutrient by eliminating waste matter in the skin pores.
Skin Beauty is a device that can perform all three functions the ultrasonic massager, skin scrubber, and ion twister. The same effect will get or acquired if you use this device as mentioned above.
Try our best Skin Beauty advanced microcell facial station device from Dansys today!