Should you convince your girlfriend to go to a mens club with you?
When you are in a relationship, there are certain compromises you will have to make to keep your partner happy and the relationship going. If you are a guy who is used to going to strip clubs but then end up meeting a girl who isn’t into strip clubs then does that mean you stop going to your favourite mens club Melbourne might be a problem. Disclosing that you actually have a favourite can cause problems for you. However, if you are in a healthy relationship both of you should learn to compromise. You need some time apart from each other to spend with friends or family. Your mates might still be into the mens club lifestyle because they aren’t attached to anyone or because they have girlfriends who are more open than yours. How do you introduce the issue of going to a club that has naked women dancing suggestively to all the men? Honesty is always a good policy and you shouldn’t have to give up the things you like and are comfortable with to fit someone else idea of the ideal partner. There are people who find mens clubs more laid back and fun than your usual dance clubs. There is absolutely nothing weird about it.
Besides, going to a mens club Melbourne to catch up with your mates while being entertained by beautiful naked women, you could be going there for some work celebration or be going as part of a bucks party celebration. Your girlfriend might be totally opposed to the idea if you going to a club with Strippers, not because she doesn’t trust you but because she doesn’t trust the other women not to try to get to you. If your girlfriend has never been to a strip club or understand what happens at these in the clubs, all she is doing is perpetuating false stereotypes about strippers. You might nudge her into going to a strip club with you one night just so she can formulate an opinion based on actual experience, not heresy. She might just witness the predatory nature of strippers, how they perform for the tippers and how almost no touching ever occurs. She might see how these places are nothing like how they are shown in the movies. The problem with most women is insecurities and body issues. Women are always worried about other women having a body that’s more attractive than theirs. So, the idea of some woman with big boobs grinding in her man and the fact that a man will pay money for this to happen may not sit well with her. If she feels uncomfortable with the idea then don’t force the issue.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are invited to a club to give a friend a proper send off, let her know that it is something you can’t get out of. Take the little time you have and enjoy yourself, but:
- Do not get a lap dance for yourself
- Do not get too drunk
- Do not ignore her texts or calls
- Do not come back at dawn
- Do not come home with lipstick on your shirt collar or a number for Peaches scrawled on a napkin
Many guys think that not saying anything about going to a club with Strippers is a good idea but it isn’t. These kinds of things have a habit of coming out eventually. If you can lie about going to a strip club and then continue by saying it had nothing to do with sex is shady. It puts ideas in a woman’s head about what other infractions you have committed and failed to disclose in the course of your relationship.