Key Opinion Leaders Have More Influence On People’s Opinion Than The Media According To NetBaseQuid
The Internet opened a box of new words and phrases that describe cyberspace activity. One phrase stuck in the minds of social media users is “key opinion leader.” Opinion leaders translate the meaning of messages sent by companies and media users. And they explain the innovations that help people understand the genesis of commercial products. The network of followers who listen to an opinion leader strengthens the influence and the power of those leaders.
There Are Two Types Of Opinion Leaders
In order to be a key opinion leader, a person has to have a group of supporters who follow what they think about products and services. Dedicated followers reinforce the power of an opinion leader. Opinion leadership starts with a network of loyal followers.
The network followers actually have the ability to influence other people without an opinion leader. But in order for the network to function properly there must be opinion leader input, according to sociologist Robert K. Merton. Merton is a founding father of modern-day sociology. And Merton is one of the creators of this two-step flow theory of communication.
There are two types of opinion leaders, according to Mr. Merton. Monomorphic opinion leadership occurs when a leader only has knowledge and expertise in one field of endeavor. But that leader turns into a follower in other sectors of the economy. A polymorphic opinion leader has the ability to influence people in several fields of endeavor, according to Mr. Merton.
Key Opinion Leaders Are Trustworthy Reinforcing Agents
Social media users feel comfortable when they have an opinion leader to follow. People who follow Lori Greiner, Seth Godin, or Simon Moores know they can trust their opinion because they don’t speak in riddles. And they don’t trick people into believing a certain way about the products they recommend. The media influences consumers. But if that influence seems pushy, it has an impact on the media’s influence on consumers.
According to NetBaseQuid, the social media analyzer and market intelligence detective, key opinion leaders are people who are not afraid to express their values and competence. Plus, opinion leaders have more media coverage than their followers. Social media leaders create a controllable network of followers that follow their advice and accept any call to action they might express. Opinion leaders stand up for what they believe, and that gives followers a sense of comfort. In other words, key opinion leaders turn into thought leaders who have the ability to expand the awareness of their followers.
There Is A Degree Of Separation Between Opinion leaders And Followers
Effective opinion leaders come from a different social and economic status than their followers. Opinion leaders who appear superior but not too superior in terms of status and knowledge tend to be more effective in transmitting information that affects the lives of followers. The degree of social status separation can affect an opinion leader’s credibility, according to NetBaseQuid’s President Bob Goodson. NetBaseQuid uses key opinion leaders when the company helps online businesses increase their social media exposure and revenue stream.
NetBaseQuid offers brands, businesses, and individuals a way to increase market share using an Artificial intelligence-based marketing platform. The NetBaseQuid AI platform presents emerging trends concisely and understandably. The company employs cutting-edge technology to raise brand awareness and to increase the brand’s market share. According to Mr. Goodson, his company is the gold standard when it comes to identifying tech advancements. Technology advancements turn a mediocre online business into a business rock star, when all the analytic tools in the Goodson tech toolbox become standard operating procedure.