Instagram Story Ideas for Beauty Brands
Last year, more than 2 billion people from around the world were using the social media platform, Instagram.
Instagram is a perfect platform for going viral and promoting a company since it’s content-based.
If you own a beauty company and want to improve your sales and following, you should amp up your stories.
Continue reading to learn about some of the best Instagram story ideas that will keep your revenue increasing!
Educational Opportunities
One of the best Instagram story ideas is to teach your audience.
Whether you sell beauty products or services, there is always a chance to teach people. Think about your company goals and mission. For example, if you are a beauty company focusing on going green, teach your audience the steps and impact that your company has.
You can also teach your followers about concerns or how to properly use an item. Some people have even gone into the history of how beauty products got their start and continue to make waves in the industry.
Event Promotion
Do you have an upcoming sale or promotion this year?
What is an Instagram story without good news being shared with the public? You can use your Instagram story to discuss your upcoming promotion and include details about when and where your followers need to go. Always end your story video with a call to action so that your viewers know what to do.
You can include a direct link within your story to take people to your website. Not only will these attempts increase foot traffic on your website, but you can also gain followers.
Introduce New Products
Only the true followers of a brand check business stories, which is why you need to make your worth checking.
Introducing new products and innovations can get people excited when you post stories. This is a great way to get ahead of your competitors and you can also tag companies or people that you work with. If you decide to post a new product on your story, save the background info for another story opportunity.
Simply introduce your product and give a brief description that will help people understand the purpose.
Meet the Team
If you are on a team, you can use your stories as a chance for people to get to know about you.
Each person on your team brings something special to your creations. Introducing everyone can give the chance to shine and give credit where it’s due. Another reason to introduce your team over Insta stories is that it helps people know who to contact for help.
You post a photo and description, however, videos are much more effective for this purpose.
Tell a Story
Stories have been used throughout history to get people to change their perspectives and discover what else is out there.
Telling a story on your Instagram page can help people learn more about your company and why they should over from you.
You can view these ideas for story inspiration if you aren’t sure how to proceed. Many people feel limited once they tell the background of the company, but there are so many other topics to dive into!
Host Contests
Have you ever participated in a company contest just for the chance to win something?
A lot of people start following companies they’ve never ordered from if they have a chance to get something for free. Some great contest ideas to hold can be for best makeup, guessing a number, or sharing a post. Get creative with your contest ideas and try to make them as inclusive as possible.
You can offer gift cards, free tutorials, or other special treats to get people excited. Don’t be afraid to pair up with someone else in the industry so that you can increase followers even more.
Offer Tutorials
Do your products need to get used a certain way to be effective?
On your Instagram story, you can offer free tutorials for your followers. These tutorials can help you show customers the correct process of using your product and why each step is essential. The beauty industry often uses makeup tutorials or ones to make DIY soaks and scrubs.
Demonstrating how your beauty products work will help convince buyers that are on the fence. By seeing how the product looks and works, they have more confidence in what you are selling.
Share Testimonials
Many online influencers and beauty businesses run promotions to increase testimonials.
If you are encouraging customers to leave reviews and testimonials, don’t be afraid to show them off. You can add these wonderful reviews about your beauty products to your story, and let the reviewer have a moment to shine as well. Some of the most effective testimonials are video messages since they make products more personable.
Start a Q&A
If you are noticing an increase in the number of questions you get, you should host a Q&A on your story.
Q&As provide a chance for followers to ask questions about your products, services, or yourself. This is a great chance to understand the issues your customers are having and how to fix them. You can also use Q&As to learn more about what your followers like to see and the topics they are done with.
Keep your sessions friendly and honest. If you don’t have an answer, write the question down and be sure to respond to your followers promptly.
Do Your Instagram Story Ideas Need Help?
Coming up with Instagram story ideas can become overwhelming when you have to consistently make posts.
These Instagram post ideas can help you post relevant and engaging content that your viewers will love. Social media marketing has become a powerful tool, and missing out on the opportunities within Instagram would be a mistake.
Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box and do something completely original to get noticed.
Be sure to read our blog for more content about how to use Instagram stories and build your brand!