How to Make Your Website Show Up on Google
How often do you Google a word or phrase and get the exact results you were hoping to find? That doesn’t happen just by accident! Many companies rely on Google’s powerful search engine to help promote their brand through SEO (search engine optimization). With over 3.4 billion searches every day, SEO is here to stay.
But, what are the best ways to use SEO and how do you get started? Continue reading for tips on how to make your website show up on Google.
Submit Your Site to Google
The first step when starting your new SEO campaign is to submit your website to Google. Google Search Console is a free service where you can submit your website for indexing.
It doesn’t matter which website platform you are using to host your site. In fact, some platforms do have tools that submit your site for you. After you’ve submitted, Google will start crawling and ranking your website.
Adding your website to this service is the starting point for how to show up on Google search.
Choose the Right Keywords
After you’ve submitted your website to Google, you’ll want to choose the right keywords. Keywords are words or a group of words an Internet user uses to perform a search. These keywords should be very relevant to your business, relevant to what a customer would search for, and can include specifics like location.
To start this, you’ll need to do keyword research. Begin by researching what words people use to search for products and services like yours. Look at the volume of searches and competition for these keywords.
Keyword research is very important and a step you’ll want to get right. Consider using this company to help you with SEO. Once you have your keywords, it’s time to optimize.
Improve Your Website SEO
The first thing you’ll want to do is add your primary and secondary keywords to all of your metadata. Add them to meta titles, descriptions, header tags, alt image tags, URLs, etc.
Take a look at all of the existing content that lives on your website. Add in your keywords to your existing blog posts, homepage, about us, etc. Be sure to add them naturally for a better search engine ranking. If not, hire an SEO agency to help you with ranking in search engines for your business.
Backlinks are links from other sites to your site. When it comes to search engine ranking, Google ranks websites higher when they can prove they are the expert in their field. Having other websites link to your site shows that you know what you’re doing.
Do some outreach to find other credible websites that will backlink to your site. Links from higher-quality websites count more than those from lower-quality ones. Also, make sure these websites are relevant to your site.
Use Internal Links
Internal links are when you link from one page of your site to another page on your site. This is yet another way to showcase that you’re an expert in your field. Blog posts are an easy way to link relevant content from one post to the next.
How to Make Your Website Show Up on Google
If you’re wondering how to make your website show up on Google, there are many resources out there to help you along the way. Be sure to choose the right keywords, use links to your advantage, and register your site with Google so they know who you are!
For more information on SEO, marketing, and more, visit our blog today!