How Much Does a Gun Cost? The Average Prices
There are many different reasons to consider purchasing a gun. From providing protection to using them at a shooting range for enjoyment, guns serve a variety of purposes.
With an assortment of different models, sizes, and manufacturers, there is a gun for most price ranges. How much does a gun cost? You can learn more by reading on!
Types of Guns
Common types of guns include rifles, revolvers, and handguns. Additional gun types include the AR-15 and shotguns.
Rifles are long guns that require both hands to operate. Commonly used for shooting at a range or hunting, rifles are used as home protection as well. Popular brands include Browning Arms Company, Tikka, and Sturm, Ruger, and Co.
Revolvers are small guns that can be easily held in your hand. What differentiates a revolver from a handgun is that cartridges are stored in their own separate chamber. The cylinder that stores the cartridges will rotate after each shot. Glock, Sig, Smith & Wesson, and Colt are well-known revolver manufacturers.
Handguns are very similar to a revolver experience, except they do not have a revolving cylinder. They are designed for one-hand usage and are easy to hold. Handguns come in full-sized, compact, sub-compact, and micro-compact size options. Like revolvers, Glock, Sig, Smith & Wesson, and Colt are commonly recognized brands.
The AR-15
The AR-15, based on the M16 rifle, was designed for civilian and law enforcement usage. It is a large, semi-automatic gun. Since it is semi-automated, it is not an assault weapon. Popular brands include Sturm, Ruger and Co., Colt, and SIG Sauer.
Shotguns, akin to rifles, are long guns that require both hands to operate. The key difference is shotguns shoot within a wider target. Nicknamed a “scattergun”, shotguns excel in covering a space rather than a specific target. Recognized shotgun manufacturers include Mossberg, Winchester, and Charles Daly.
You can visit this page to discover a variety of gun options.
Gun Prices
Below find the average prices for the gun types highlighted. Each model has a common price range, but there are also lower-end and premium products.
Most rifles are within the $350 to $700 price range. Some models can be far more expensive though. The Ruger American costs $425 and the Browning AB3 Hunter sells for $600. On the expensive end, a Ruger Hawkeye will cost you $1100.
Revolvers are in a higher price bracket. For example, the Ruger SP100 is on the market for $670. The Colt Python costs $2000.
Handguns have a little more leeway in their price range. The Hi-Point C9 will cost you a minimal $180, but it is not of the highest quality. The Glock G43, which boasts a popular brand name and is of great quality, goes for $490.
The AR-15
One can buy a solid AR-15 in the $500 to $800 range. Recognized brands with all the bells and whistles can be much higher. The Ruger AR556 costs $750, which is an excellent deal for what it offers. On the most expensive end, the Colt CR6290 goes for $1100.
Shotgun prices range from ultra-affordable options such as the Mossberg Maverik 88 ($240 price tag) to the Beretta M4 ($2000). Like all products, the more expensive the gun the higher the quality.
How Much Does a Gun Cost? Simply, It Depends
The question of how much does a gun cost has no straightforward answer. Depending on the model and brand, guns can be very inexpensive or carry a hefty price tag. You can purchase a gun for under $200 or spend thousands of dollars for a high-quality gun that offers every single premium feature. The choice is yours!
Explore more about the best gun options for you today!