
Do You Need to Place More Focus on Customer Satisfaction?

Leslie Dibbert

On a scale of 1 to 10, how successful would you say your customer satisfaction efforts tend to be?

If you are not meeting the levels that you need to, it can lead to losing customers if you’re not careful.

That said is it time you do more to make your business stand out with your clientele?

Don’t Look Back with Regrets Your Business Could Have Done More

As you assess the efforts you put into serving your customers, here are few helpful pointers for you:

  1. Knowing what folks want – Having a good sense of what customers want from you is nothing short of critical. With that idea in mind; how best to get such a sense? For one, having regular communication with them is key. For instance, you may run a spa or similar type of business. Knowing folks more times than not come to such a place for relaxation and better health, will you meet the needs? With many people having a greater focus on health these days, you need to meet such desires. Talk to your clientele on a regular basis. That is with direct contact, surveys and more to know if you are doing the job they expect of you.
  2. Your equipment must deliver – Imagine a business with mediocre equipment. Odds are you’d be out of business sooner than later. With that in mind, always be keeping an eye on the equipment you offer. If you begin to see some signs of wear and tear on items, look to replace when needed. This not only leads to better performance, it reduces chances for injury. Such injuries can be to customers and even staff you have working for you. So, if for example you operate a spa, know that the spa tables you provide must do the job again and again. Someone coming to you for a spa treatment is not going to settle for a bad table or any other for that matter. Take care of your equipment with regular cleanings and maintenance. That will better ensure it lasts longer for one.
  3. See how the competition operates – Finally, it never hurts to see what your competition is up to. You can pick up some good tips more times than not from the actions they take as time goes by. You might also look to attend some networking events throughout the year if not already doing so. Such events can be a good opportunity to pick the brains of other in attendance. The hope is you have good relations with those you compete with. While you and competitors are going after the same folks, open communication can be a good thing. You might also look to talk to your customers on what they like and even do not like about some of the competition. Over time, you can pick up some tips that can be beneficial to your place of business.

In doing all you can to delivering on satisfaction, what might you need to do better at starting today?