CBD Oil for Child Aggression: Does It Work?
Does your child exhibit aggressive behavior?
If you have a child with aggression as part of a developmental disorder such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), then you know how difficult it is to treat. Psychological interventions are, more often than not, unreliable. Medication and environmental modification are often the only viable strategy.
With how popular CBD products are, you may be wondering if it’s worth trying CBD oil for child aggression. After all, people swear by CBD’s almost miraculous healing powers. It has the reputation of relieving all kinds of pain and making people feel better in general.
But before trying a new medication for your precious little one, it’s vital to know first if CBD for kids is safe. Is it effective or even appropriate to use?
Keep reading to learn more about using CBD oil for children with aggression.
What Is CBD?
First, let’s talk about CBD to understand the rationale for its use in treating aggressive behavior and the concerns about its use in kids. CBD or cannabidiol is one of the many active substances within the cannabis plant. But, it’s derived from the hemp plant and not the marijuana plant, which contains THC (the stuff that can get you high).
CBD isn’t psychoactive and is also federally legal if obtained from hemp. It’s gaining popularity for its various health benefits, such as relieving pain and reducing anxiety.
Today, CBD products are everywhere. CBD is available in different forms like edibles (gummies, candies, etc.) and topical. To learn more about the types of CBD oil for sale, please click on the link.
Is CBD Oil For Child Aggression Effective?
The literature on the use of CBD for aggression in children is limited.
One study explored the use of oral CBD in children with ASD to treat related symptoms and co-morbidities. The researchers found that self-injury and rage attacks improved in 67.6 percent of the subjects and worsened in 8.8 percent. Other behavioral symptoms such as hyperactivity and sleep problems also showed significant improvement.
However, the study concluded that large-scale studies are needed to evaluate the long-term effects.
Concerns About The Use Of CBD For Kids
So far, the FDA has only approved one CBD product for use in children. It’s the prescription drug Epidiolex that’s used to treat seizures associated with certain types of epilepsy. Any other CBD products with purported medical claims do not have the sanction of the FDA.
The main problem is about dosing for children. Most products can’t be relied upon to deliver a consistent amount of CBD. Also, not enough research has been done to determine precisely how much to give to kids.
And while CBD may be safe (although we still don’t know for sure), it’s not without side effects. The Epidiolex mentioned above can cause elevated liver enzymes, tiredness, and other issues. CBD may also interact with other medications your child is taking.
The Verdict
While some of the studies on the use of CBD oil for child aggression look promising, it’s still too early to tell. More research is still needed, but the good news is that there’s a research boom going on due to the popularity of CBD. It’s best not to jump the gun and wait a bit more for your kid’s sake.
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