
A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Sell Gift Cards for Bitcoin

Leslie Dibbert

According to Pew Research, 16% of Americans say they’ve invested in some type of cryptocurrency.

But did you know that you could be trading gift cards for Bitcoin?

If you’re interested in learning how to sell gift cards to invest in cryptocurrency, keep reading to find out all you need to know.

How to Buy Bitcoin With Gift Cards on Paxful

There are three main places where you can exchange a gift card for Bitcoin. One of those is on Paxful.

To start, you’ll need to make sure that you have an account. You’ll need to verify your identity and then you’ll get a free Bitcoin wallet.

Next, you’ll go to their main menu to find a vendor. Select the option to buy Bitcoin, and then put in the amount that you want to spend.

You should filter out all the different vendors to find the most trustworthy ones. Some of them have extra layers of security to protect you as well.

Once you find a vendor, you should read all the requirements. Depending on the type of payment method, you might have to send a screenshot of your gift card to prove that it’s valid. Some will ask for a receipt or a selfie of you holding the gift card.

Once the payment is verified, you can start the trade. Set the amount of Bitcoin you want to buy, and then click Buy Now. Now, you’ll be able to chat with the seller, and they’ll give you instructions on how to finish the trade.

The live chat is always recorded, so if you ever have any problems, it’ll be great to have it as a backup.

When you and the seller are ready, all you do is send the payment and then get your Bitcoin. You’ll transfer the money and get the Bitcoin instantly. Now the Bitcoin will be in your digital wallet.

How to Buy Bitcoin on Purse

Purse is also another popular place to exchange your gift cars for Bitcoin. This is a peer-to-peer marketplace that will connect shoppers on Amazon with anyone who wants to get Bitcoin for their Amazon gift cards.

This option is great if you have a lot of Amazon gift cards, but it doesn’t work on other types of gift cards.

On Purse, you can sell any balance of the card for crypto, even if it’s just a leftover card that you still have.

To start, you’ll need to make a free account. Then, you’ll go to the top menu and click Earn. This is where you can start trading your gift cards for Bitcoin.

There will be many different offers on there. You should look to see what the rating of the seller is and how much Bitcoin they’re offering.

You should be able to filter out how many you want to buy. For example, in the United States, you can narrow it down to sellers who are only based there.

Once you find a seller whose offer you like, you can review and then accept it. The details of the offer will give you a list of what you need to buy on Amazon and how much Bitcoin you’ll get. If you like the offer, you can accept it.

Now, go to Amazon and buy all of the shopper’s items with your Amazon credit. Then, paste the Amazon ID into the order details, and you’ll receive your Bitcoin when the shopper confirms the order.

How to Buy at ATM

You can also buy Bitcoin at an ATM, like However, you can also use cryptocurrency to purchase gift cards at the kiosk.

You can send these digital gift cards anywhere in the world. Some people even buy them so that they can purchase more crypto using one of the methods linked above.

These ATMs are located all over the country, and you can find one near you. When you go, all you’ll need is a digital wallet and some personal information.

Things to Consider

When you’re using one of these sites or ATMs, make sure that it’s safe. They should be peer-to-peer, meaning that the buyer and the seller interact with each other.

When this happens, there’s less chance of encountering fraud. The systems should also offer security services to make sure that both buyers and sellers are protected. Even though you’re just using a gift card doesn’t mean that you should risk losing that money.

When you’re trying to find a seller to deal with, make sure you read all of the reviews on them. Pay special attention to the negative ones. There will always be negative reviews, but if there’s a lot of them, you should probably keep looking for another buyer.

If you ever have any doubts or suspicions about the seller that you’re dealing with, cancel the transaction. There’s no reason that you should put yourself at any sort of risk, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

You should also make sure that you never send the details of the gift card until you’re positive that you want to move forward.

Learn More About How to Sell Gift Cards for Bitcoin

These are only a few things to know about how to sell gift cards for Bitcoin, but there are many other strategies you can use to invest in crypto.

We know that learning how to invest in crypto can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help you out.

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