How to Make Fertilizer
Working on and maintaining a proper outdoor space on your property can be rewarding for both your physical and mental health. In fact, it’s something that doctors often encourage people to do for this very reason.
Of course, creating and caring for your own garden can be a tough challenge for some people, especially those with financial constraints. One way to cut corners on some of the costs involved is to learn how to make fertilizer.
Making fertilizer on your own is actually more simple than you might imagine. You can save a whole lot of money doing it as well. What do you need to know about how to make fertilizer? Read on, and we’ll walk you through the basics.
There Are Many Ways to Make Fertilizer
There’s more than one way to skin a cat, and there’s more than one way to create fertilizer for your garden as well. This is important to note.
Depending on what materials you already have in your house, there may be a smart way to create fertilizer without having to invest in new materials.
There are a few common ways to create fertilizer that generally involve elements you can already find within your household.
Coffee Ground Fertilizer
Did you know your leftover coffee grounds can actually have a great second life? It’s true! Coffee grounds, believe it or not, are rich in nitrogen, magnesium, and potassium – all nutrients that your plants need to grow.
Coffee is also acidic, so using coffee grounds as fertilizer can be a great way to help improve the overall acidity level of your garden soil.
It’s easy to use these coffee grounds in this manner as well. Simply save a few days’ worth of coffee grounds and then spread them across a cookie sheet with foil or newspaper. Allow the grounds to dry, and voila: you’re ready to go.
You can sprinkle the grounds near the base of your plants, and that should do the trick.
Eggshell/Vinegar Fertilizer
Egg shells are made up almost entirely of calcium carbonate, which is an element your garden needs to grow. Just tossing your eggshells in your garden could eventually benefit them, but you can speed up the process by blending up the shells into a fine powder first.
Mixing vinegar and water with this powder can also increase the overall power of this man-made fertilizer.
Vinegar, like coffee grounds, will help increase the overall acidity levels.
Epsom Salt Fertilizer
Last but not least, if you have some Epsom salt in your home, you can use it to make some great fertilizer. Simply dissolve the salt in a gallon of water. This will create a liquid fertilizer strong in magnesium and sulfur.
You can read into a few tips for fertilizer sprayers to see how best to use this solution around your garden.
How to Make Fertilizer
If you’re looking to better the overall health of your garden, you’ll want to look no further than the amazing kinds of fertilizers you can make in your own home.
Learning how to make fertilizer can help you to keep costs down while maintaining a lovely outdoor space.
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