7 Tips for Maintaining Your Penis Health
Do you know there is more to penile health than overcoming erectile dysfunction (ED) and treating sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? Taking care of your penis is a great example.
Keeping your penis healthy is essential, especially as you get older. It reduces the risks of prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction.
Moreover, a healthy penis also allows you to enjoy a happy and long sex life with your partner.
Not sure how to get started on penis health? Follow our comprehensive men’s health tips for maintaining penis health.
1. Exercise Regularly
Maintaining a healthy erection is all about blood flow. Exercising regularly is a great way to build a healthy cardiovascular system and promote blood flow.
Working out reduces risks of heart diseases, including those associated with ED, like atherosclerosis. It also helps boost your mental health, thus reducing the risks of developing depression.
Make a point to exercise from time to time. Exercising for as little as 25 to 35 minutes per day is enough to boost your cardiovascular health.
2. Eat a Balanced Diet
Whatever you eat plays a key role in your wellbeing, including the health and functioning of your manhood.
Although there is no specific diet for optimal sexual health, eating a balanced diet rich in minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients is the right way to go. It reduces the chances of developing heart diseases and diabetes, conditions that are closely associated with ED.
A study conducted in 2016 established the relationship between flavonoids and ED. Among the 25,096 subjects, those who consumed flavonoids regularly were less likely to experience ED.
Moreover, certain foods may also boost one’s testosterone levels to improve fertility. Examples of such foods include spinach, avocado, and spicy food with capsaicin.
Look here for more information on how to boost your testosterone levels to reverse a shrinking penis.
3. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
Not being able to perform well in bed is an issue as we tend to get older. However, it doesn’t have to be if we maintain a healthy body weight.
Research suggests individuals heavier than their optimum weight stands at a high chance to develop erectile dysfunction. According to a study conducted in 2014, 79% of men suffering from erectile disorders were either obese BMI or overweight.
Why risk it all? Lead a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy body weight.
However, if you are overweight or obese, losing weight and maintaining a healthy body weight will improve your penis health.
4. Quit Smoking!
As mentioned earlier, erections are all about your cardiovascular health, and habits like smoking have serious negative effects on your health. Various studies have established a connection between smoking cigarettes and increased risks to poor sexual performance.
Some have unearthed that the relationship between smoking cigarettes and erectile dysfunction is dose-dependent. This means the more cigarettes you smoke, the higher your chances of developing erectile disorder.
Men who smoke should make an effort to quit. While it’s not easy to quit, making the decision has more positive benefits extending beyond sexual performance and penis health. It’s a great way to improve your heart’s health.
5. Drink Alcohol in Moderation
It’s no secret, excessive consumption of alcohol negatively affects your sexual performance. Research shows men who drink much have high levels of sexual dysfunction.
A few show less sexual desire and experience premature ejaculation, while the rest struggle with ED.
Even those in good health, excessive drinking can ruin a romantic night if you experience a ‘whiskey dick.’ This is a temporary form of alcohol-induced ED.
Try to limit your alcohol consumption to a safe and healthy level.
6. Try to Maintain a Healthy Sleep Schedule
The quantity and quality of sleep you get plays a major role in your cardiovascular health. This, in turn, affects your reproductive health and sexual performance.
It’s common for adults who sleep less than eight hours a night to experience health problems like asthma and heart attack. Moreover, an inconsistent sleep schedule is highly attributed to high blood pressure and gaining weight.
All these health concerns have a negative impact on sexual performance and erection. There is also a high chance of suffering from stroke later in life if you constantly fail to get a full night’s sleep.
For optimal health- for both your entire body and penis, ensure you get at least seven hours of sleep. If you find trouble sleeping at night, this could be a sign of depression.
Seek guidance from an expert before you suffer serious consequences.
7. Wash Your Penis Properly
Quitting smoking and eating a balanced diet is definitely a good way to improve your penis health. However, it’s of great importance to maintain your penis clean and hygienic at all times for your sexual health and erectile functioning.
Washing your penis properly prevents smegma. This is a substance made of dead skin cells, moisture, and oil that builds around a penis if left unwashed for long. Wash your penis well to reduce the risks of infections.
The best practice to keep your penis clean is washing it at least once per day using warm water. If you are uncircumcised, make sure you pull back the foreskin and thoroughly rinse the glans of your manhood to wash away bacteria.
Avoid applying talcum powder or soap when cleaning your penis. An excessive amount of soap might irritate your skin and increase the chances of developing infections.
Bottom Line to Maintaining Penis Health
In addition to exercising and eating a balanced diet, there are other crucial things a man can do to maintain penis health. Cleaning your genitals with warm water every day is an additional tip.
Luckily, it’s easy to maintain proper genital hygiene as you only need to wash your penis with warm water. Habits like smoking and excessive drinking should also be replaced with at least eight hours of sleep and working out to maintain a healthy weight.
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