
5 Tips On How To Clean and Maintain Your Memorial Wind Chimes


There are different ways to honor the life of the deceased. One of the most meaningful and symbolic choices is the sympathy wind chime. Whenever they play nature’s music with each visiting breeze, memorial wind chimes have the power to calm hearts and bring back beautiful memories from the past.

However, keep in mind that these chimes are exposed to many outdoor elements. Many things can degrade their functionality and aesthetic value, from rain and snow to dirt and even bird excrement.

Cleaning these wind chimes doesn’t just maximize their lifespan and keep their design and sound intact. Because they’re made to specifically commemorate someone who passed away, you must shower them with extra tender loving care. Here are five must-know tips on how to clean and maintain them.

Hang your chimes in a strategic location. To properly protect your chimes, you have to first find a spot in your home that’s far from potential hazards and major causes of their wear and tear. As much as possible, hook them up securely in a clear spot. Avoid places that are highly exposed to the sun or wildlife.

Take the chimes off their hanging position. Never clean memorial wind chimes while they’re hung. This only increases the risk of you accidentally damaging them. The best thing to do is to take them down and clean them in a designated area. Make sure to lay out protective sheets (like old newspapers) and wear an apron as many cleaning agents can stain clothes and even furniture.

Consider the type of material your wind chimes are made of. The materials you’ll use to clean your chimes depend on which materials they’re made of. You can get away with wiping their surface with any machine oil for the common aluminum metal wind chimes. Only use mild soap and water if the oil isn’t enough to clean your chimes. If your chimes are wooden, use a dry cloth to get rid of dust. Use linseed oil or lemon and a clean cloth to wipe off any remaining dirt. For glass wind chimes, using a sponge and a solution of warm water and 1 tbsp of dish soap will do. Make sure to use a soft cloth to dry the surfaces.

Pay special attention during the rainy and winter seasons. High levels of moisture can be damaging to your chimes. If it’s a metal wind chime, moisture can destroy its protective coating, causing it to rust. If it’s wooden, its brown color can fade away. Whenever they’re exposed to rain (or any other water), always make sure you dry them off properly. During the winter season, make it a point to hang your chimes in a sheltered area so that they won’t be damaged by the cold weather and other winter elements. After winter, also add a protective coat and lubricate them. This will help keep them clean throughout spring.

Spot clean whenever necessary. Memorial wind chimes are special ornaments that deserve special care. You don’t have to clean them periodically simply. Whenever you see significant dirt on them (for instance, bird excrement), it’s best to spot-clean using appropriate cleaning materials to preserve their function and beauty.

At Remember Me Gifts, we have a wide array of memorial wind chimes you can choose from. Visit our website and grab the best deals today.