5 Quit Smoking Aids on the Market That Work
Quitting smoking isn’t exactly easy. In fact, for many smokers, it’s one of the hardest things they’ll ever have to do. But because of the extreme dangers of smoking, not quitting isn’t an option.
So, what can you do to stop smoking if you’re having trouble? You could invest in some quit smoking aids.
Curious as to the best quit smoking aid? Then read on. Here are 5 aids to help quit smoking.
1. Nicotine Patches
Perhaps the most effective quit smoking aid is the nicotine patch. This is an adhesive that you stick to your upper arm. Over time, it releases small amounts of nicotine into your bloodstream.
This nicotine slowly weans you off the feeling that you get from smoking. As such, after a few months, you might just have the mental and physical wherewithal to kick smoking for good.
2. Nicotine Nasal Spray
If you don’t want to wear an adhesive on your arm, you could instead use a nicotine nasal spray. This works in the same general way as the patch. However, whereas the patch passively releases nicotine into the bloodstream throughout the day, the nasal spray needs to actively be used 2 to 3 times a day.
This is great if you have spare opportunities. If not, it’s probably not the best option for you.
3. Nicotine Inhaler
A nicotine inhaler is a doctor-prescribed device that simulates a cigarette and which deposits small amounts of nicotine into the bloodstream. It’s effective not only in that it weans the body off nicotine but in the fact that it’s shaped like a cigarette, and therefore helps to break the physical habit of putting a cigarette between one’s lips.
If other methods aren’t working, this one probably will. Talk to your doctor for more details.
4. Vape Pen
Similar to the nicotine inhaler is the vape pen. A vape pen is a pen-shaped device that enables the user to inhale vapor as opposed to smoke. As such, it’s much safer to use than are cigarettes.
The difference between nicotine inhalers and vape pens is that vape pens aren’t prescribed. As such, there’s nobody regulating the user’s use of them. This can have both positive and negative effects.
If you’re interested in utilizing a vape pen, take a look at Granite Vapor. They have a large selection of vape pens and vape cartridges for you to choose from.
5. Nicotine Gum
The last aid we’re going to discuss is nicotine gum. This is simply chewing gum with nicotine added. It serves not only as a substitute for the physical act of smoking but also helps to wean the user off nicotine over time.
If you’re the chewing gum type, this is undoubtedly the best option for you. Find a gum that
These Quit Smoking Aids Could Be the Difference You’re Looking For
And there they are, some of the most effective quit smoking aids on the market today. Give one or more of these a try. They could be the difference you’ve been looking for.
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