4 Ways to Make Your Home Winter-Ready
It’s that time of the year again when the cold starts to creep in and we must wave goodbye to the warm summer weather and balmy weekend backyard barbecues. We’re heading into autumn in the UK, and that means it’s a great time to get your home ready for the cold months ahead. Here are a few quick and easy tips to get your home ready well before the mercury drops.
Prepare Your Fireplace
If you have a fireplace in your home, you should get it ready for use. Start gathering or buying a stockpile of wood in your garage or near the fireplace where it can dry out for when it’s time to use. You should also check the inside of your chimney for any bird nests, blockages, or other obstructions, as well as make sure your fire grate is in good order and ready. Once the temperature drops, you want to be ready to light that fire and warm up the room with the glow and smells that only a wood fire can give.
If you don’t have a fireplace in the home, or yours has fallen into disrepair, now might be the perfect time to look at adding one or replacing yours. Visit one of the fireplace shops in London and see what’s on offer. It might be easier than you think to add a fireplace!
Clean Out Your Gutters
The cold and the rain are unavoidable. It’s a good time to make sure all your gutters are clear of leaves and other obstructions so that water can drain away without overflowing or creating dams. This can lead to bigger problems like roof leaks, damp, and even collapsed gutters, and that means expensive repair bills.
Reverse Your Ceiling Fans
If your home has ceiling fans, they might have a mode or switch that allows them to spin in reverse. This will create an updraft of air instead of a downdraft, pushing the warmer air from the top of the ceiling down and into the room. It might help you save on heating bills, as all the hot air isn’t being lost to the occupants of the room. If your home has high ceilings, this is a particularly effective trick!
Refresh Your Blankets
You probably haven’t made much use of all your fluffy and warm blankets over the summer, so now is a good time to get them out of the cupboard, give them a wash, and let them air out, ready for use. If they’re tired and have seen a few seasons, then it might be time to head to the shop and replace them. Nothing is as comforting as a new fluffy blanket on a cold winter’s night. Make sure you have enough blankets for the beds and a few in the lounge too for use on the sofa.
Winter is a time for warm cocoa and snuggles, and if your home is prepared for it, you’ll be able to enjoy nights on the couch with your family watching classic Christmas movies and hiding from the cold, rain, and snow outside.